Back To School Stress? The Simple Question That All Parents Need To Know

By Clare Josa | Stress & Worry

>>> Next Live Online Training: Emergency Fixes For Exam Stress Get Your Ticket Here

Sep 05

With our kids heading back to school this week – and many of them going to new schools or stepping up to ‘big school’ – back to school stress levels are high.

The more we can help our children to feel happy and confident in their own skin, day-to-day, the easier it is for them to handle exam stress. So there’s no need to wait for revision season to apply the techniques we cover here.

Having had all three of my boys start at new schools this week (just imagine how many name tapes I have sewn in – I have the scars to prove it) I’ve been walking-my-talk, helping them with the nerves, worries and stresses that come from going back to school or starting somewhere new.

This short video shares with you the one, simple question that shifts them from stressed to smiling – fast.

How did you get on? Have you had a chance to play with this with your child yet? How might you use it, when they are feeling stressed? I’d love to hear from you, via the comments.

x Clare


About the Author

Clare Josa has spent the past 15 years teaching over a million people to feel less stressed and to make the difference they are really here to make in the world. But when her eldest son hit exam stress - hard - she decided she had to do something to help parents to help their kids, and How to Beat Exam Stress was born. Clare is the author of five life-changing books and her recent debut novel, You Take Yourself With You, has been described by readers as 'unputdownable'.


Next Live Training: Emergency Fixes For Exam Stress

May 22nd at 7pm UK time