Exam Stress Symptoms: 3 Early Warning Signs That Your Child Is Struggling With Exam Nerves

By Clare Josa | Stress & Worry

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Apr 13

Every parent needs to be able to spot exam stress symptoms – the early warning signs that their child is struggling with their exam preparation. But they can be masters of disguise.

It can be really hard to spot the difference between exam stress and nerves and ‘kids being kids’ – especially if your child is going through the hormonal rollercoaster that comes with the teenage years.

But the sooner we spot these early warning signs of exam stress and help our kids, the easier it is. So here are three ways our kids try to tip us off in the early stages.


Exam Stress Symptoms: 3 Early Warning Signs


When stress hits, it triggers the primal part of the brain to tell your body to produce the stress hormones it needs to decide how to handle the perceived threat. This is known as our ‘fight / flight / freeze’ response, so I have chosen one exam stress symptom from each of those categories, to cover as many children as possible.


The articles, podcast episodes and resources I mention in this video are:


I’d love to hear from you!

How many of these exam stress symptoms have you seen with your child?

How might you apply these techniques to help them?

Have you tried anything else that has worked?

Let me know, via the comments!


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x Clare

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About the Author

Clare Josa has spent the past 15 years teaching over a million people to feel less stressed and to make the difference they are really here to make in the world. But when her eldest son hit exam stress - hard - she decided she had to do something to help parents to help their kids, and How to Beat Exam Stress was born. Clare is the author of five life-changing books and her recent debut novel, You Take Yourself With You, has been described by readers as 'unputdownable'.
